
Journal of Digital Entreprise

 ISSN 1776-2960

Newsletter   N° 39  2014 January  - 

 Distant Management

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"Virtual professional communities: a new lever of knowledge management" by  GHARBI J.E. Soltani I. Université.

The research in hand tends to put the accent on variables that are expected to explain the e-commerce adoption. Using dimensions of national culture and attitude as theoretical bases, this research investigates the weight of culture in the explanation of individual’s behavior concerning shopping from the site. Results indicate at first glance that both Tunisian and English samples present relatively the same rate of cultural importance in their attitudes towards shopping from the site (28.3% vs. 23.3%). Secondly, similar to literature, ......

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"Technology watch and competitive intelligence in SMEs: Model of appropriation the free tool"  by   Angeline Pogoy Université.

This study used the e-readiness components based on ICT Development Index (IDI, 2012) such as access, use and skills in relation to literacy rates across thirty (30) countries based UN Country Classification (2012). Data analysis consisted of an initial e xploratory analysis procedure through forced cluster analysis and formal testing of hypotheses analysis of variance, t-tests and regression analysis. Results revealed that e-readiness components of the countries classified as developed, developing and lea st developed varied significantly. Results also show that e-readiness components of more developed countries had a positive impact on the literacy rates of these countries......

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« The Reaction of Tunisian Stock Market to ISO 9000 certification information »by  Menchar S., Akrout, F., Krichen F.,  Université.

Retaining a successful salesforce is a major challenge for managers in a context of increased competition. However, research on the determinants of sales force’s retention and performance is scarce. Using social exchange theory, this study examines organi zational justice perception’s effects on salesforce outcome performance, organizational citizenship behavior and affective commitment through job satisfaction. An empirical study was conducted on a sample of industrial salespeople (n = 253) operating in d ifferent industries. Using structural equation modeling, the results indicate that procedural justice leads to retaining salesforce and enhancing their performance. Contrary, distributive justice does not seem to play this role. Following .....,.  

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  " E-financial reporting of CAC 40  French compagnies : the K.M. approch." by CARON-FASAN M., LESCA H., BUITRAGO A. F.,  Université.

THow to use the Internet to collect helpful data in anticipating? Through an Action Design Research, we designed, implemented, used and evaluated the use of Aproxima. This tool provides for decision making short and understandable information from the Inte rnet. We present in this article the criteria for the Aproxima validity of use by mobilizing five specific criteria: the perceived ease of use, the perceived information quality, the social influence, the perceived quality and the real value. Evaluation p rocess of Aproxima indicates that the process to evaluate Aproxima is relevant. Others software tool evaluations could use this same process. It raises questions about the non-inclusion of cognitive issues and.......

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